Princeton's WordNet Rate these synonyms: 3. Compare PARTICLE PORTION.Ītom, component, constituent, division, fraction, fragment, ingredient, instalment, member, part, part, particle, piece, portion, section, segment, share, subdivision A subdivision is a division of a division. A component, constituent, ingredient, or element is a part of some compound or mixture an element is necessary to the existence, as a component or constituent is necessary to the completeness of that which it helps to compose an ingredient may be foreign or accidental.
e., the amount designed for one person) is sometimes, by special order, served to two a share is a part to which one has or may acquire a right in connection with others an instalment is one of a series of proportionate payments that are to be continued till the entire claim is discharged a particle is an exceedingly small part. synonyms for out of element ill-equipped inadequate inappropriate unhealthy unlikely unsuitable unsuited useless debilitated down dragging mistaken below par can't make the grade decrepit discordant feeble flimsy ill-adapted ill-suited improper inapplicable incompatible incongruous incorrect. A portion is a part viewed with reference to some one who is to receive it or some special purpose to which it is to be applied in a restaurant one portion ( i. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Division and fraction are always regarded as in connection with the total divisions may be equal or unequal a fraction is one of several equal parts into which the whole is supposed to be divided. to be unhappy and feel uncomfortable in a particular situation. A piece is often taken for a sample a fragment scarcely would be. A fragment is the result of breaking, rending, or disruption of some kind, while a piece may be smoothly or evenly separated and have a certain completeness in itself.

Part, a substance, quantity, or amount that is the result of the division of something greater, is the general word, including all the others of this group.